27 August 2022

Can't Do The Mall Shooting Drill

The local range does not allow handguns on the long range, and the pistol ranges top out at 25 yards.

So we can't set a target at 40 there.

The outdoor range up in Hernando would mean shooting at 50 yards because they have stands set up at that range and you must use them.  They have short hours and many closed days.

Most of the other ranges in the area are topped out at 25 as well.

I guess we can check if the Guntry Club in Tampa allows 40 yards and handguns on their 100 yard range.


  1. Use a 1/2 size silhouette target: https://www.amazon.com/Official-Target-Police-Silhouette-Reduced/dp/B07LFV3CFQ
    and shoot at 20 yards.

  2. use smaller targets at 25...instead of regular, say paper plate, use the smaller paper plate...just an idea...panzer guy...


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