20 October 2022

I For One Am Shocked

My first day of carrying the M&P 9 Compact was exactly the same as carrying any other gun in a Miami Classic.


It was the first time I toted in a shoulder holster in The Beast, which was also uneventful.

I need to remember to adjust a bit before I set off, the seat tends to push the center of the back joint up a bit.  The same as Moxie, actually.


  1. A small point, and one more valuable with larger, heavier guns, but the SSII harness is more comfortable than the "pure" Miami Classic because the harness straps are wider where they cross over the shoulders. I'm toting a G20 and the wider harness straps are worth the extra few bucks.

  2. If you plan on doing it, I look forward to reading the daily pros/cons and nuances of wearing a shoulder holster. I can't recall anyone doing a deep dive into it. -jking

    1. I've covered a lot of the details since I started in 2008...

    2. Angus, then it's time me to search the archives! -Jking


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