14 December 2022

Adding It To Sealion

I learned a new phrase from the plaintiff's notice.

Gish Gallop.

That's another technique that a couple of former friends kept doing to me.

It just underscores that Anglave never debated any topic in good faith.


  1. Ah, a new term. And one that one side overly uses in order to fill the airspace with sound and control the right side's ability to counter.

    An easy solution is to taser the galloper.

  2. Huh! I read that as "Fish Gallop" then went to the definition. I think I will stick with my first reading as it is a slimy, slippery and ungentlemanly technique. Thanks for the "words of the day" since I had not come across them before. Mind it was around 1968 when I last was in a formal debate at school. Oy!

  3. Interesting. What it says to me is that anyone who has to use such tactics is indeed not arguing in good faith, but it is implicit evidence that even they know that their arguments are largely BS. Most anti-gun people I think on some level at least realize that most of their goals are unachievable and many of them will have unintended consequences that are worse than the problems they think they will solve. They are so motivated by ideology that they don't care.


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