14 April 2023


The 115mm 3BM36 APFSDSDU round for the T-62 is almost as good as the 125mm 3BM20.

I did not expect that to be true.

It's making me wonder if the Russians putting all them T-62M1's in the field is as stupid as some people have made it out to be.

Of course, how many 3BM36 rounds are there?


  1. So far the Russians have not deployed any depleted uranium rounds. They have called for them not to be deployed in Ukraine because of the well know hazards they created in Iraq. You could vist Big Country blog about that. His lung loss was due to DU.

  2. Supposed it depends on what they're getting used for. If you've got a tank and your opponent doesn't have much to counter it, or perhaps your use is for direct fire support/defense I'd expect it'll do just fine. As a front line heavy to take on punching a hole and taking on modern armor, probably not so good.
    Then again, some of the upgrades on old tanks make a big difference. Even the Abrams is going 40 years in service now, and had plenty of upgrades along the way.

  3. The problem with Russian tanks is lack of gun elevation and depression, so any attempt to use them as SPGs not in a direct-fire mode will require some sort of ramps. And Russia is having problems getting direct-fire vehicles close enough to direct fire.


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