29 February 2024

I Want(ed) A Fake Passport

Not a fake passport to trick anyone or to commit a crime.

A joke passport is prolly closer to what I'm after.

A local brewery tasting room gives a 30%* discount for hospitality workers on Mondays and a 20%* discount for cops, firemen, first responders, teachers and veterans on Thursdays.

The discounts are *- Libations only.

I've commented, "but I'm not from Libatia."

Then came the idea of getting a passport from Libatia.

Then the realization that doing so is pushing the limits of legality HARD when you search for "Fake Passport for non-fraud" and "Fake Passport for TV/Movie" and the top ten hits include official warnings about not proceeding further.


I think this joke can sit here unrealized.


  1. Maybe you can make a fake passport using Crayon Art and see if they facility has a sense of humor ? Where it is completely obvious that this paperwork is fake as hell. Stick figure for the I.D. photo, that sort of thing.

    Hey, all they can do is say no but they might say 'alright - here's one on us.'


  2. Ha! Found something that will serve!


    Wow, what a mess of a link.

  3. Oh my, I LOVE this one - almost tempted to order it but WTF would I do with this quantity?


    Hey Angus, just delete everything past the question mark including the ? when posting anything from Amazon, all that follows is tracking crap.

    1. Thanks for that tip on the link.

      I need mine to say "LIBATIA" so... Got a buddy with a vinyl cutter to make me some gold letters to apply to the "passport" notebook and I'm going to hit Dollar General for a fun-stamp pack for "visa" stamps.

  4. I've got a "camouflage passport" for the former nation of Manchukuo.

  5. How about making a flag or challenge coin?


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