02 May 2014

What Else

The answer is something that is in a tone that cannot be heard by some.

Let us accept, as a given, that everything asked for by gun control will have exactly the effect he claims that it will.  Remember: this is a given.

What else spills forth from his solution?

What that is impossible now becomes possible once the gun control is in effect?

Are those things worse than the crime we have at present?

We have lots of data from history.  Notice that we had to make "gun control works to reduce crime" as a given?  That's because the data doesn't bear out that hypothesis.

Further, the historical data shows that places that get gun control, that aren't homogenous societies, also tend to get fascism and genocide.

What I am apparently expected to accept is prohibitions that have never done what the banners claim will somehow not lead to industrial murder in America's decidedly heterogenous state.

I can't claim that it definitely will lead to industrial murder, but I do claim to see what happens with crime with regards to gun control.  It's not what the gun control people say will happen.

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