23 May 2014

Withered On The Vine

I have a post in drafts about the gunfight in the vacant lot adjacent to the OK Corral.

The take-away is Tombstone's gun ban was mainly a political tool of the Earps to deal with their rivals and not merely a "crime's out of hand we need to do something" law.  Using the law and their positions as town marshall(s) to handle other conflicts unrelated to the crime the local cowboys were up to.

The Earp brothers were not exactly lilly white law-and-order folks.

The reason that post is in the drafts is the research backing up my take-away is like trying to look up one thing at TV Tropes.  There's material that backs up my claim, but organizing it into something readable is likely past my ability to write.  I'm still pecking at it and hope to have something before long.  It's at least interesting.

The second take-away is that such laws and ordinances were very rare in the old west.

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