10 August 2020

Somewhere Someone Is Wondering Where I Went

I noticed this morning, while checking the local ABC affiliate's news web page there were instructions on how to dial your TV to the free over-the-air broadcast if you were a Dish subscriber.

The Lovely Harvey pulled the ejection handle when the CBS affiliate went dark last week.

Local programming is a $5 a month extra.

Half of the national broadcasters are off the air because of price bickering.

So I cast about to see what else was missing from Dish...

Fox Sports stuff had been gone since September last year.  Still not resolved.

HBO and Cinemax (which I didn't pay for anyway) are down from November 2018.

They've had progressively less to offer and are unwilling to support current and long-time customers.

That might explain why they're hemorrhaging customers.

I do love the threat of my unpaid bill being sent to collections.  Bitch, please.  Get in line behind the medical offices whom were paid by the insurance but decided to send us a bill anyways.

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