21 August 2020


Ian, Karl and Russel have a project in combination with Brownell's which asks the question, "What would Gene Stoner do if he was making the AR today?"

Fairchild Aircraft created a division which asked this question in the early 1950's...

Well, they asked, "What kind of service rifle can we come up with using all of the material advances of the past decade?" when they created Armalite.

Eugene Stoner was one of Armalite's engineers.

What would Stoner do?

Design something in 7.62x51mm NATO.

Stoner is the brain behind the AR-10 and AR-16.

The 5.56 versions are known as AR-15 and AR-18; and those are James Sullivan's.

Since the WWSD 2020 project is in 5.56, it's really, "What Would Sullivan Do?"

But neither of them would be gravitating to a 16" barrel.

5.56 does best out of the 20" tube the round was designed for, even if it's adequate from 14.5".

They might compromise with an 18" barrel (like Galil and Mini-14) but I don't think they'd go 16" or shorter.

It's a neat project, but it should be noted that while WWSD 2020 is going with a polymer, fixed-stock lower:  Eugene and James went with a folding stock when they revisited service rifles...

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