20 September 2022

Common Use

Interesting article about a Georgetown University professor's study on gun ownership.

It confirms what we've been saying about guns being everywhere and that they don't really cause a problem for a long time.

I don't remember where I first saw it, but, "If gunowners and 'assault weapons' were really a problem, you wouldn't need someone else to convince you."

Millions of gun owners and millions of guns with millions and millions of magazines holding more than 10 rounds with the accompanying billions of rounds of ammo.

Yet, despite recent increases, crime is still relatively low.

If even 1% of American gun owners was a problem, and that problem was that they commit murder, then there would be a million murders to account for.

And there aren't a million murders.  Not even close.

The last two years have had approximately 19,000 gun murders (because being pushed out of windows is fine).

With about a 1/3 of America owning a gun that means that 0.019% of gun owners commit murder.

And actually that's probably a much smaller percentage since the study was polling lawful gun owners and not the people who are largely responsible for nearly all murders in America: gangbangers.

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