07 February 2023

A Different F-Word

Liberal gun owners have claimed that the phrase, "slotting floppies," means "shooting [CENSORED!]."

The phrase comes from the Rhodesian Bush War.

Well, does floppy mean [CENSORED!]?

I happen to know a veteran of the tail end of that war.

Mr Willard, would you like to share it's meaning to the class?

Of particular note is Mr Willard was an officer in the RAR, or Rhodesian African Rifles, and the men under him were not white.


  1. Since you ask; "floppy" refers to the action of a Terr when they take a good shot (slot), they flop on the ground, It's not meant to promote universal brotherhood but it' not a racial expression either.

  2. When a group is incessantly racebaiting, and their only tool is a hammer,...

  3. Having spent some time with folks who were involved in that conflict I'd only heard it used as one of the folks above posted: the flopping to the ground when shot...


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