24 February 2023

It's Good News

The IP lawsuit by GWACS vs KE Arms et al has been dismissed!

That's excellent news for the entire 2A community!


  1. Hopefully it means at least one company will be making those lowers.

    1. Considering KE Arms was making them and GWACS suit was to get them to stop... I think that KE will keep making them.

    2. That's a good thing. There were a bunch of accusations that the GWACS suit was financed by anti-gunners to get an inexpensive AR-15 lower option off the market. Seems like a lot of money and effort given there are literally dozens of other AR-15 lower options (even if few directly comparable) on the market.

    3. It's not just that it's cheap. It's that the cycle time per lower is about a minute. A normal lower is about two hours and needs stock parts too.

      What that really means is next AWB panic, KE can crank out thousands in the time it takes others to do hundreds and the deep pockets prompting GWACS to do so is aware of it.

    4. All excellent points... Even without that though... more options is always a good thing. Anything were anti-gunners spend money and lose... even better.

  2. You know, this reminds me of Smart Parts suing everyone in the paintball industry because the Patent Office was lazy and gave SP patents for things that were already out there and in use since day 1 of paintball guns. SP drove a lot of small guys out of business when the SGs couldn't pony up money for defense.


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