16 October 2023

Dead Hats

When you're bald, the sweat just runs in your eyes.

Often, a hat will keep that from happening.

My favorite boonie hat just died.

It was made by Eotac.

They don't make the A104 boonie hats any more.

Pity, that.

Finding a good boonie hat is a trial and error process.

There are so many shitty versions out there.

They're all genuine Chinese, so...

I took a chance on Gloryfire.

They're affordable, and available.

The 7-3/4 size says "fits most" and it does, indeed, fit.

The Boy, promptly stole it.

Replacement is on order.


  1. I think the Aussies in Vietnam called them "giggle hats."

  2. Hair doesn't help any when it comes to sweat just running into your eyes. I don't know what is wrong with my cooling system, but it seems like 90% of my sweat glands are in my scalp.

    I don't like wearing hats. Never have. I don't know why. I can't explain it. It is kinda like long sleeved shirts... Hate them. Long sleeved jackets don't really bother me. Yes, I know that makes no sense at all. It just is.

    Anyway, I pretty much only wear hats for like costome occasions. I've got a couple of nice felt hats for Oktoberfest kind of drinking occasions. They're more of a fat old German beer drinking kind of fashion statement than practical though.

  3. got a couple us army originals my brother gave me...wear one of them fishing...panzer guy


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