17 October 2023

Mean Tweets Were Worse Than All This Right?

Leaders are blowing off Brandon.

We got protests in front of our embassies in Arab nations.

Feels like Carter again.

You can almost TASTE the malaise.

Of note is the protests at the embassy in Iraq.

Remember how I often have said that if you fuck up so bad we have to come break shit and kill people where you live, we own it when we're done?

If we'd conquered Iraq and made it a territory, the idiotic war that's about to start would have had competent leadership on our side because it would have happened 20 years ago.


  1. Brandon has done the impossible. He has made me really miss Jimmy Carter.

  2. I never thought we'd get back to the days of Carter. But here we are, with the bad days of Clintons and the Obamski tossed on.

    81 million votes, my ass!


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