15 August 2024

Bad Vibrations

Stupid cheap lug nuts.

The White Knight brand lugs I got from Amazon are not right for The Beast.

Starting about 60 and running until about 80 there's a cyclic vibration in the steering wheel that comes and goes on about a minute cycle at 75.

I was concerned it was a tire or tires.

I reminded myself that this seemed to start when I put the aftermarket lug nuts on, though it was much milder.  Also I didn't have this vibration when we ran down to Miami to pick up Marv's 9C3.

Today I did the cheap check of seeing if the OEM lug nuts had the vibration.

They don't appear to on a short run.

Not sure why the aftermarket lugs are wrong, but they appear to be the problem.

I did note that they didn't seem to have the same resistance coming off, like some of them weren't torqued correctly anymore.  If they were slowly backing off, that would have been bad!

I'll be putting pretty lugs on her again, someday, but I'll hold out for a more reputable brand.

1 comment:

  1. You dodged a nasty bullet there Angus. Losing a wheel at highway speed is no fun. Yes - stay away from the cheap Chinese made lug nuts, I have a bin full from past vehicles where they were just not exactly right either in the thread dimensions or the cone shape for a given wheel type. Much as the look of AL wheels are nice and lighter in weight, steel wheels will always be safer IMHO.


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