25 August 2024

Flashing Back

Because I am resetting my ancient 5th Gen 80gb iPod in the hopes that it gets full function back in The Beast I am posting from the Mac Pro!

But the flashback is about Glocks and which one is best...

Personally, I've liked Gen2 best, but my single Gen5 example has been excellent.

WAAAAAY back in 1989 I owned a Gen1, which I had to sell because Army.

Then I got another Gen1 when I got back to The World in 1990 and stupidly traded it for something I wanted more at the time.

The Gen2 I got to replace it went to Aunt The Bat and she still has it.

I've managed to hang onto the Model 21 (which despite being the first iteration of the 21, is still a Gen2) I got new the first time I saw one for sale.

I got another 17.2 (all the cool kids put the generation after a decimal place, and my Mom says I'm cool!) that I like a lot and didn't add another Glock to the safe until I tested out the Blue Label for veterans discount and got a Model 45 (which despite being the first iteration of the 45, is still a Gen5).

I skipped all things Gen3 and Gen4 on purpose.  I never got along with the finger grooves.

Despite limiting myself to just .45 ACP and 9x19mm, I didn't actively avoid other calibers, I just didn't need a gun in them.  Especially once the number of 9mm guns ballooned around here.

I've occasionally thought I should have a .40 S&W or a 10mm to round out the pack.


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