21 August 2024

Do She Have A Back Or Spine Injury?

YouTube is making sure I see presumed Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris in living color and full motion.

Did I say full?

I'm calling uncanny valley on how she moves.

Head doesn't move independently from her torso.

Upper arms are clamped against her ribs.

Lower arms are animated and motile.

It's like she's wearing a back brace.

It's creepy and once you see it, you can't unsee it.


  1. I’m betting it’s the best body armor your tax dollars can buy.
    I also suspect she’s got it cinched down tighter than a drum to look as svelte as possible for the tv.
    Ballistic Spanx, if you will.

  2. Upper arms are clamped against her ribs.

    I catch myself doing that. I have rotator cuff injuries and the elbows Will be kept on the ribs when they are pisstawff. I know what I did to screw mine up.
    It wasn't getting up off my knees,,


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