10 March 2022

A Decision Has Been Made

The Lovely Harvey hates it, but it's what you get when you veto too often.

There's just nothing out there that's cool looking and doesn't cost so much I cannot make repairs let alone changes.

The cars which are ready to go, are stratospheric in price.

So I am going for a Camaro SS in Malibu clothing.

A "Chevy" Caprice PPV.

It's really a Holden WM Statesman with some small changes for the US police market.

Except for being entirely and completely bland in the styling department, it checks all the boxes.

V-8, rear drive... safety equipment out the wazoo.

Plus!  Available at a price that leaves room for modifications.  Like changing to a Pontiac G8 console and shifter. 

Something that's kind of cool is recognizing people from the old Impala SS forum on the New Caprice forum.

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