26 March 2022

Walk-A-Thon For Special Olympics And The Boy

 The Lovely Harvey and The Boy are doing a walk for Special Olympics and you can help!

Just click on this finely crafted link and make a donation!

She set the goal at a modest $50, but I'm willing to bet that my generous readers will top that easily.

Because you rock!


  1. Got y'all to 2/3 of the way...

  2. Oops, I lied... only got you to 60% of the goal. Everyone else needs to step up and support The Boy and the Mrs.

  3. The PR department of AuricTech Shipyards, LIC (our motto: "Gold-Plated Solutions for Copper-Plated Problems[TM]!", is pleased to announce that AuricTech has both matched on a 1CrIpm-for-1CrImp basis all previous donations, but has, by so doing, simultaneously pushed this fundraising effort over its stated goal.

    1. I will put you in for a patent of nobility in the Spinward Marches!

  4. Ya'll are amazing. Thank you doesn't seem enough.

  5. I hope the event is a fun experience for the young man and Mom and Dad. I have an autistic 23 year old boy and though the demands of satisfying his 'quirks' can be difficult at times, it teaches me patience which I REALLY need help getting a handle on.



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