17 April 2022

Maybe Not For YOUR Sins

I saw a headline that said, "The Easter Bunny didn't die for our sins nor did he rise from the dead."

Well, not with that attitude, He won't.

Let's be a bit historical here and admit that Easter is happening at the time of year it happens because Christianity was converting the heathens who had fertility celebrations in the spring.

Rabbits are symbols of fertility.

So, while The Easter Bunny did not die for our sins, He sure did pick when Jesus died and was reborn, literally centuries after his execution.

Or at least when the Church decided it would be celebrated.

There's a strong argument to be made that the scheduling of Passover influenced the timing of Easter as well.  Converting Jews was also something the Church wanted.

But it is true that The Easter Bunny did not die for our sins.  That's not His job.

His job is to make us fertile and bountiful.  By dying for the supper table.

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