28 April 2022

Sure I Saved Money By Spending Time

Bill Brandt shares a tale of woe and German engineering.

I started out wrenching to save money.

That led to hot-rodding, which does not save money.

Something I am grateful for my dad teaching me wrenching is when I need something done that you cannot hire out for any amount.

It gets pretty common in hot-rodding and upgrading cars.

Shops refuse to touch things like bolting 6-piston Brembo calipers from a Camaro onto a Caprice.  Literally bolt-on.  Liability... blah blah blah.

Actually, that's not quite true.  There's two kinds of shops that will do it.

The kind where you know more than they do and they won't do a good job.

The kind that knows at least as much as you and specializes in upgrades and come with the commensurately large bills.

Which leaves me doing it myself because I want the job done correctly and I can't afford the pro.

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