22 April 2022

Someone Is Doing Maths

When you know how much the bullet weighs and how fast it's going, then learn how heavy the rifle is: you can calculate how much recoil is generated!

The new XM5 kicks like a fucking mule.

Over two pounds more recoil force than a Garand.

6.8x51mm is nearly the same dimensions as .276 Pederson.

This is not an intermediate round, it's a full-power (plus!) cartridge.

It's not an assault rifle or carbine; it's a full power battle rifle.

I'm not sure of the wisdom here.

There's reasons that intermediate rounds took the world by storm and battle rifles were largely relegated to the back burner.  Literal reams of studies have been published about the advantages of weapons using such ammo.

I know there's a contingent that doesn't like the conclusions from all those studies, but they've never managed to overcome the plain arguments.

It keeps boiling down to a few points that make intermediate rounds the winner.

More shots for the same weight is better than fewer.

Terminal performance isn't really all that different.

Lighter recoil makes it easier to train the troops. 

Less material is used to make the rounds, making them cheaper, making it more likely that you'll train the troops.

The extended range of the heavier round is largely theoretical.

Lighter ammunition is easier on the logistics train.


  1. With so much of the fighting in modern conflicts seeming to be close quarters in urban areas or at least around habitations, it seems like there really isn't need for long range capabilities for every combatant anyway. A few more specialized people, sure, but why saddle everyone with something if they don't need it.

  2. This seems to be the result of the Army's obsession with "overmatch" exacerbated by the ghost of Col. Rene Studler. I'm sure this new 6.8mm round looked good in PowerPoint and generated many junkets and consulting jobs for retired officers. Realistically, a better managed 5.56/7.62 solution with more AR-10 platform DMR rifles like the old SVD/AK mix would be less trouble, less expense, and probably better results.


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