14 November 2024

May Contain What?

Costco is recalling, and destroying, 79,000 pounds of butter because someone forgot to mention that butter might contain milk on the label.


Bear in mind that the ingredients list says "cream," already.

This is why we're fucked.

The morons with food allergies can't fucking read and need to be told, special, that something made with something they're allergic to is something they're allergic to.

I say this as someone with a food allergy!

I'm allergic to mushrooms.  I've made it MY job to find out what has mushrooms in it and avoid those things.  I read the ingredients, I know the fungus byproduct names.

It's my ass on the line.

But for fuck's sake.

Butter is dairy.  If you have a fucking milk allergy, you're allergic to dairy!


We need to restore some common fucking sense to food and cut off the FDA's nuts.


  1. Well,, YaKnow,, it's Their JAAWWB to keep us morons Safe,, if it takes destroying an unGawdly amount of dollars worth of perfectly safe butter,, well,, dammitall,, that's just STEWPID... I wonder Who exactly made that call.

    Hanging a sign in every store's display case wouldn't be very hard.

    Hey! Dumbass!! This butter has Milk in it..

  2. When I saw this story, I thought it was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. The FDA is saying people who are allergic to dairy aren't aware that butter comes from milk and need to be warned? I think, like you say, if you're allergic to something, you need to manage that yourself. So they have almost 80,000 pounds of butter that needs to be repackaged or something. Can we get a discount on it if we sign a pledge not to sue them?

    This is what happens when we go from rule of law to rule by lawyers. Things like this FDA policy get started to keep from getting sued.

  3. Wouldn't it be cheaper to print stickers for the product boxes that simply say in large letters "contains milk" ??


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