23 March 2024

By Jingo

I am not against immigration, per se.

What I am against is being colonized.

America is a pretty cool place and has a culture.

A culture assembled from the parts and spare bits of the peoples who immigrated here over a couple hundred years; but a culture nonetheless!

What we're courting is being colonized by Mexico and South America because most of these immigrants come here and remain Mexican/South American.  They don't want to be US of Americans, they just want the benefits of being here without becoming part of us.  That includes a job they cannot get at home.

If we were forcing them to become Americans, there wouldn't be an objection from me.

The reason I don't want them to remain their nationality is, well, where they came from.

I don't want to live where they came from.

I don't want where I live to become where they're fleeing.

We're a couple of bad court decisions away from them being able vote for making here like there.

I object to that! 

And this is independent from the non-zero number of people who are coming here to do direct harm to the nation...

The Latin-Americans coming here for work and opportunity don't worry me near so much as the military age middle easterners we're encountering here and there.

Again, if they were coming here to become Americans, it wouldn't be a problem.

The problem is they're not.


  1. The thing is, one side is so utterly intransigent against even reasonable and moderate controls on immigration, I can see a possible future scenario where the other side, having had its patience well and truly exhausted, puts rules in place forbidding all immigration, across the board. "You want to come here? Tough toenails! You say they'll kill you in your homeland if you stay there? How bad, so sad! We'll kill you if you step foot onto our soil!"

  2. Is a huge problem here in Texas, was as well in Illinois when I was stuck there. Perhaps if the laws in place were enforced penalizing employers who knowingly employ illegals and of course the places like Walmart making a lot of money trafficking the $/Peso exchanges being sent back to the countries south of the border... Seems like the issue would solve itself, but then places like Tyson would have to raise prices as real wages would have to be paid... Being in IT I'm also super sensitive about the H1B visas. The issue was never the lack of qualified IT personnel. It was always the lack of qualified IT personnel who would work insane hours for sub minimum wage salaries... Sorry if this is a it of a soapbox for me, understand if not published :-).

    1. On topic and free of racist language or links to bigots.

    2. Texas is on the front lines of this war with foriegn invaders like no other state is. And the Feds under that weasel Biden and the people who pull his strings are treasonous bastards who are intentionally aiding the enemy for their own political and likely financial gain.

      I totally agree that we must crack down on employers who are not following the law and illegally employing people who do not have the right to work in the US. Anyone caught knowingly employing people without following the law and verifying identity and complying with IRS rules for reporting income should be fined and possibly criminally prosecuted. Many illegals use identity theft and false documents in order to work. Anyone that engages in identity theft or creation, posession or use of false identity documents should be prosecuted. This is NOT always a victimless crime. Many citizens have their identities stolen and sometimes their money is taken like their tax refunds are stolen by illegals or they end up having to pay taxes for illegals who work using their SSN. It can be very difficult and expensive to repair the damage caused. Unfortunately there are so many people and politicians on both sides of the aisle who profit as you say, due to illegal aliens. And not just because of the profits of the cartels. One thing we should do is place a large, like 25% tax on all money being sent by people to countries south of the border. This would be to offset the taxes and services that people here illegally are using up. It probably would still not nearly be enough. We should also send a bill to every country who has people here illegally for all the costs for the free healthcare they get, all the welfare their children get, all the costs of educating their children. Those countries are getting a free ride while our taxpayers pay for their people's needs. If those countries are getting foreign aid from the US, we should subtract the amount they owe for that first. And if they get nothing then, too bad. Employers like Tyson and meat packing companies would have to raise wages to get legal people to work, but that would not entirely be a bad thing even though it would raise prices. It would increase tax collections which would partially offset that. One thing a lot of people don't know is that a lot of meat packing jobs back in the 1970s used to pay more in real dollars than they do now. Not just in inflation adjusted dollars. A 'cutter' which is one of the more entry-level jobs in meat packing used to pay enough back in the 1970s that a worker could live a middle class lifestyle. Buy a decent car, a little house, raise a few kids. Now that job pays barely above minimum wage. Not enough to live on at all. That's why they have to import people who are willing to live in substandard conditions to do the work because nobody else would. It doesn't have to be that way. Frankly, those people deserve better. People shouldn't be allowed to be exploited that way. Angus is right that we should be allowing these employers to turn the US into a 3rd world country by bringing in people and not just not insisting that they become Americans, but essentially forcing them to not to live like Americans. A lot of those people don't know any better. They grew up in countries that have been systematically corrupt for hundreds if not thousands of years. The post-colonial governments are often dictators or sham oligarchies, the colonial governments were corrupt. The tribal governments before that were corrupt. That cycle needs to be broken but it can only be broken by LEGAL immigration where the people are vetted, they have to be educated, have to learn how to be proper citizens. In order to get there we have to get things under control first. The Democrats don't want that, because they want to turn the US into a 3rd world contry they can rule.

      Don't even get me started on H1B Visas and that whole mess...

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