18 September 2024

6.8x51mm Special Purpose Is Expensive

$15.70 for the special purpose whiz-bang armor piercing round.

$2.73 for the more conventional ball round.


By way of comparison 5.56x45mm M866A1 is $0.47 a round.

Prices on 6.8x51mm is expected to get lower as economies of scale kick in.

I'd also like to point out that 113gr at 3,000 fps is NOT 2,700 ft-lb.  It's 2,261.


  1. Why didn't "they" just adopt the wonderful Swedish 6.5 x 55mm? Excellent ballistics, cheap manufacture. Or the 7 x 57 Mauser? And yes, I know the answer...$$$

    1. The whiz bang SP round is the only thing this has over .308. I suspect, the only reason they went with a completely different round was to keep the 80k pressure rounds out of existing weapons.

  2. Thanks for the response; I've spent some time reading up on the .277 Fury, and it has both good and bad aspects as far as I'm concerned. What impressed me was that SAMMI certified the allowable pressure at 80,000 psi. Barrel burnout seems to be a major issue with the round.

    I'm waiting for someone to come up with an AR-10 chambered in that caliber; you know that someone(s) won't be able to resist the temptation...


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