21 September 2024

I Want To See A Comparison

Watching Banana Ballistics and thinking...

I want to see a cost and performance comparison between the new 6.8x51mm XM1186 and old fashioned 7.62x51mm M80A1 and M1158.

The reason I ask is if the $16 a shot round isn't the general issue round, it's not going to be what the troops are going to have in their belts and magazines should war be declared.  It'll be the whatever the ball round is.  I asked around to see how many of my buddies who were still in, or recently got out if they'd seen any M1158 and none of them had.  M80A1 was getting to be common over the older M80.

Everyday .277 Fury (the civilian 6.8x51mm) doesn't really show much, if any, improvement over .308 (civilian 7.62x51mm) in the same way that .270 Winchester doesn't show much over .30-06.

If the ball version of the new round is the everyday issue then we'd have been better off with the exact same rifle using the ammo that's already in the inventory and stocked deep.


  1. but the generals wouldn't get their no-show job on the board of the ammo company when they retire.

  2. "Beware the military-industrial complex..."
    Truer words were never spoken.


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