24 September 2024

Already Paid For

The made for TV movie about the FBI shootout in Miami, "In the Line of Duty: The FBI Murders," is available for streaming on Amazon.

At no additional cost because we plunk down for Prime.

It's not a great movie, but might show that shootout as accurately as can be expected from actors and the restrictions of the media.

They, at least, got the FBI's guns right.


  1. Is this that shootout they were talking about in Unintended Consequences, where the Fan Belt Inspectors cornered those robbers and got a lot more of a fight than they bargained for?

    1. Yes. They basically panicked once they'd been made by the robbers and forced the issue before they got to a higher traffic area where more innocents were at risk.

      After that it was bringing pistols to a rifle fight. I've read conflicting reports about whether the FBI had long arms in their trunks.


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