21 September 2024

Doing Wrong Because It's Legal

What is it with the left side of the aisle?

Over and over when talking to them about politics I keep bumping into the excuse, "it's not illegal."
If whether it's illegal is your only social compass, it's no wonder you cannot understand right and wrong.
Unethical and immoral don't always overlap illegal on the Venn diagram.
If you won't do right unless someone threatens you with violence, then you aren't a very good member of society. And don't kid yourself, arrest is violence.
The worst part is abdicating your morals and ethics to The State to decide. The State is the least trustworthy arbiter of right and wrong ever created!
But, just to bring it to Full Godwin levels, no laws were broken when Germany rounded up millions of people and murdered them.
No laws were broken when Stalin starved millions of people.
No laws were broken when Mao did away with millions of his people.
No laws were broken when the Khemer Rouge ran the killing fields.
Honestly, if you don't have a healthy mistrust and fear of the government, you're a fool.
Don't be a fool.
PS: A reason that many people who study the atrocities I listed have a somewhat adversarial relationship with the cops is when push comes to shove: The cops enforce the laws that say to load the box cars to the death camps. This has happened with only one, possible, exception. Denmark.

1 comment:

  1. "But, just to bring it to Full Godwin levels, no laws were broken when Germany rounded up millions of people and murdered them.

    No laws were broken when Stalin starved millions of people.

    No laws were broken when Mao did away with millions of his people.

    No laws were broken when the Khmer Rouge ran the killing fields.

    Quite so.
    To the Left, all that is a feature, not a bug.
    Which explains why they are so enamored of using the State as ultimate arbiter of morality.
    It's also illustrative of what happens when man becomes the measure of all things.

    See Adams' comment regarding what type of people our Constitution was made for in exactly that light.
    The Founders got it, and got it right.


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