22 September 2024

It Keeps Coming Up

The ammunition used by the FBI in Miami and how it affected ammo development keeps inspiring. 

I love how one of his conclusions mirrors something I've said to Willard.  The new stuff is slightly better than the old stuff.  If you have old stuff, there's no reason to throw it away.

I've mentioned the FBI's ammo selection myself. 

I also realized in this that I was supposed to have deferred to my "better" when they confronted me.

They don't read here any more, I don't think.

PS: Ogive really is pronounced oh-jive.  French loaner word.


  1. bigger is better but it's also about shot placement...and hoping the guy you have to shoot ain't on drugs and your will to live is greater than his...panzer guy

  2. A 9mm is ok. A 10mm is better.

    1. Define better. Be objective.

      Don't forget the down sides to .40 S&W Lange.


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