06 September 2024

He Went There

Cue Jan Hammer!

Bren Ten!

Dwight Brown mentions the Bren Ten to make one feel better about the $200 magazines for the S&W 1076.

He's right!  At least you can GET magazines for a 1076!

If you've got $12k you can get yourself a Bren Ten magazine.  *PLUS* it comes with a FREE GUN!

I'm only exaggerating a little...


  1. Not that Mr. McThag needs for me to attest to his viscosity, er, veracity, but: he's not exaggerating that much, folks.

    I did a little checking to make sure I was only making a partial fool out of myself, rather than a complete one. There's one person on GunBroker selling a lot (from the photo, there appear to be about 12 magazines in the lot) of Bren Ten magazines "from the personal collection of Wayne Novak" for $400. Each. As I write this, he seems to have two left.

    There's also someone selling a Bren Ten slide, frame, and ONE magazine. They have it set to $3,995 to start with zero bids so far, and $5,995 "buy it now".

    ==Dwight Brown

    1. Are you saying I'm thick? :D

    2. I would never insult you by calling you "thick" or any other names, especially on your own blog.

      Viscosity vs. veracity is an old trope from the Usenet days on alt.folklore.urban. I apologize if I inadvetently gave offense, as such was not my intent.

      ==Dwight Brown

    3. Always look for the :D or :). They denote I got the joke.


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