03 March 2024

Yes But Did It Work

Marv found a video of someone doing a torture test of a PSA upper in full auto.

At 6,000 rounds of doing triple mag dumps and letting it cool down is where the accuracy lets loose.

They complain about visible machining marks in the bolt carrier and chamber.


But did that impede function?

No mention of it not firing or cycling in this torture test.

Mox nix.

Apparently they did mention that once you've shot your barrel out, PSA will warranty it.

I am amused that the rate of fire they did is far in excess of what the military expects their rifles to sustain.


  1. PSA is a budget brand for Cthulu's sake. I've always found them to offer a pretty decent product at a fair price. Can you get better? Sure. But likely at a higher price point. And there is a lot of stuff at higher price points that really isn't any better than PSA.

  2. I was kind of curious about that... I'm looking at the PSA stuff and it seems fine (better than what I was issued)... The "testing" they did seems to be far outside the norm of what I'd be doing so seems like a rifle I'll at least look seriously at...


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