04 July 2024

99% Of Facebook Car Group "Help Needed" Posts

"My car is doing something.  What's wrong?"

Kids, we need more information than that.

Most of the groups I'm in are cars that have significant diagnostic ability and a cheap, simple, scan-tool will tell us what trouble codes the engine is throwing.

More expensive scanners will also tell us what's wrong in other systems too.

Without those codes on a fully computer managed engine, we cannot help you.

Thanks in advance.


  1. Hey Angus, that comment triggered my cortex. While a bit older than you (well, maybe quite), as a child and young man it was imperative to learn and know every part of every machine I got to play with. That was driven by curiosity and desire to be able to fix things as cars of the 60's and 70's were nothing close to today's in reliability. This has served me well for a lifetime. The though was that modern kids, mine included born in the 80's and 90's never exhibited that level of curiosity other than where computers and games were concerned. This is now reflected in the online vehicle boards where "kids" grab a modern VW or other "three computers control everything" vehicle and don't have a clue how it functions mechanically, so being able to read the codes does not really carry them forward much. I used to respond to several boards for vehicles that I am VERY familiar with but have pretty much ceased as I can tell from the questions and responses many still don't understand what I am instructing. C'est la vie.

    1. Another favorite is, "I have code X." Code X means that Module X isn't communicating. They swap the module and the problem persists. You tell them to check the wires and they respond like you gave them instructions on how to hide a dead hooker with a cop watching.

    2. That's a good point. A lot of people can figure out how to use a cheap Harbor Freight code scanner,, which is great. But they have no clue about something like a simple multimeter. I've seen a lot of probems on recent cars caused by bad connectors or even breaks in the wire. As you say you can swap sensors all day and if the connector is burnt, corroded or broken or there is a break or short in the wiring harness somewhere it isn't going to fix the problem. I really hate electrical gremlins.

  2. They explain the problem, and you come up with a fix, tell them how to accomplish it and they look at you funny... What is a screwdriver they ask. You look around for a rough brick wall for percussion maintenance.


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