25 July 2024

They're Democrats They Will Find A Way

FEC is looking hard at the $96 million the Biden campaign has on hand and if it can be moved over to Harris.

First glance says, "no," but we're talking about Democrats.

First glance says that just $2,000 can be moved directly to Harris' campaign and the remainder can be donated to the DNC, where it will be used just like it was hers.


  1. Used like it was hars unless they decide to do another switcheroo and substitute in Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsome. They're running out of time to do that, but they still have the opportunity for one of them or even some other dark horse to swoop in at their convention to save them.

    As many weird things as have happened lately, things that would have seemed like insane tinfoil hat conspiracies a few months ago start looking like they can't be ruled out just yet.

    1. I think even those crypto-Communists and honorary citizens of North Korea have more sense than to let Hillary Clinton have another try at the big prize. She was a lousy behind-the-scenes person during her husband's term in office, got into the Senate largely as a bribe and reward for staying with Bubba during the Monica Lewinsky mess (about every woman I know, including some very liberal types, said that in her shoes they'd be out the door at light-speed) made an unholy mess of things as SecState after managing to lose what should have been a sure-fire nomination to a black guy with a funny name and then blew what should have been a shoo-in election by ignoring or blowing off her in-house experts, including her own husband. In a sane world, she'd probably be in a women's maximum-security prison (nobody has 56 friends who committed suicide or were mysteriously murdered after it came out that they might have incriminating knowledge against them.)

    2. All true, but the fact that she's mostly gotten away with all that means that nothing is completely out of the realm of possibility. Honestly she's possibly the most dangerous person they could go with because she's smart and sneaky. People who are dimwits like Harris will just be a puppets of the men behind the curtains who really pull all the strings and make the marionettes jump.


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