12 July 2024

It Never Ends

Mission:  Find out why the washing machine was pissing like a drunk racehorse.

My first theory was the spring that centered the drum was broken loose from the cabinet and the spout was dumping water outside the drum.

It was.

With Marv precariously balancing the thing, I drilled a new hole for the spring and that was that!


The fill hose, a nylon thing looking like a giant flexie soda straw was split.

$5 got an upgraded rubber version.

All fixed!


It filled just fine without leaking, but it wouldn't agitate.

Lid switch thinks it's open at all times.

New switch will be here tomorrow.


  1. How old is the beast? and how much action has it seen?

    1. It's a Kenmore Elite made by Whirlpool in August 2006. It's seen things, Man. My washer has a 1,000 yard stare.

  2. Is this going to become the washing machine of Theseus?

    1. If we're lucky! Mechanical drive units are worth keeping running.


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