18 July 2024

Without A Thought In Its Pretty Little Brain

Despite being much larger than us, a T-Rex's brain is about the same size as ours. 

The average person takes the average 7.62 round to the CPU, we're dead right there.

10 HP, 24 points of damage to the skill, 22 penetrate and 88 points of damage is done for a clear auto-death.

But a Rex is a 53 HP monster.  The same 24 hit only gets 20 to penetrate and 80 points isn't even enough for a death roll!

I need to dig into the rules and find the disadvantage that makes them more vulnerable to a brain-hit because 80 points is enough to liquefy a brain this size.  They're not cetaceans with brains in proportion to their scale.  Or pachyderms.

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