17 July 2024


Flea season is bad this year.

While our cats aren't outdoor kitties, they do have the, screened in, back porch.

It would appear that fleas can get through the screen.

With the fleas it seems came tapeworms.

Both are fairly easy to cure, but the double whammy sucks.

As does the scouring of the house and cleaning of the bedding all at once.

Good thing I fixed the washer, huh?


  1. When we had our flea infestation about three months ago-
    In addition to the bug bombs, I made about four flea traps in various rooms and hallways.
    In one week the water looked like someone had tossed a small handful of coarse sand in some of them.
    Emptied them out and less than three weeks later, they were almost gone (the fleas).

  2. We've been treating our indoor/outdoor cats for several years with Revolution, and we haven't had any flea infestation in our house, located in a northern suburb of Cincinnati. YMMV...


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