07 July 2024

Because I Keep My Toe Dipped In The Hobby

Decent 7.5/10 rant.

Something Hasbro and a lot of pundits are forgetting is, unlike a video game, when the new version comes out it doesn't cripple or disable the previous version.

I can play 47 year old OG Little Black Book Traveller tomorrow.  It still works just like it did in 1977 despite there being four succeeding editions and versions by other companies.

Same same AD&D.

Even more fun, you don't even have to own the books right now!

DriveThruRPG has you covered!

The situation is somewhat underscored by my love of GURPS.  The 4th Edition I prefer came out in 2004.  There is no 5th edition.

The 3rd Edition (Revised) came out in 1994; and there is still a large community of people who've refused to move to 4e.

So many that Steve Jackson Games rebranded 3e(r) as GURPS Classic and they still publish nearly the entire 3e lineup in pdf format.

When my 47, 30 and 20 year old books still work; I don't need these companies to stay in business to play.

We should remind them of that.

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