27 July 2024


I just replaced Moxie's left front brake hose.

Last year I did the right front.

I've never had a car that had more than one brake hose pull the "I'm a check valve!" trick before.

Moxie has done it with both fronts now.

Happily, all the things I need to reach are right there and accessible.  It took, maybe, an hour.

I wanted to get the brakes good and hot to make sure the dragging was the line and not the caliper; so, of course, I cannot hit a red light to save my life on a road that's normally stop and go 24/7.

So I just extended the drive until I knew it was hot.

All appears to be better!


  1. On the other hand- you don't know how those lines were protected (or not) by being held up with ...something so they didn't fall down while the pads were being changed out.

    1. Are you saying that they should have been supported and not just thrown out of the way?

      If you do it right, one pin stays bolted in and you pivot the caliper off the pads. No risk.

      That doesn't mean they were always done right before I took over maintenance.


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