28 June 2024

Dear ATF

Now that Chevron is repealed, what does the law say about that 4473?

Or "once a machine gun always a machine gun?"

Is "redesigned" still synonymous with "repurposed?"

Is 5.45mm now smaller than .22 caliber?

1 comment:

  1. Well, that there is the problem. If we go with math, yep, 5.45 MM is sub .22. If we go with the fevered mind of some illiterate bureaucrat that believes all boolets are bad, who knows. But if they use math with +/- range within a "family" of rounds given the proliferation over centuries, then you are screwed to the wall regardless.

    Maybe if they would just forget about caliber and consider only velocity/mass at 100 yards for everything, it would level the playing field so to speak. Then I could dig out my 0 gauge goose gun for home defense (and that of my 3 adjacent neighbors)


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