01 June 2024

Fingerprint Remover Stats

I think I've gotten the AutoMag stats where I want them.

GreyDog, remember, pi = 3.00 in GURPS!

I managed to get the weight right on my table, but when I described it, I was looking at the wrong gun...  The AutoMag is lighter than a Desert Eagle.  GreyDog caught the error, deserves the credit.

I think that making a distinction between the AMC and AM Ltd. guns let's us account for the reliability seen in several videos.  The new guns just work.  The old guns tend not to unless specially cared for.  The magazine issue will tend towards whether a particular gun's tolerances line up.  Pay for "Fine: Reliable" to account for a winning combination of parts.

No matter the year made, they are dead sexy looking.  Being in frame with Bridgette Neilsen does not hurt.


  1. L. Neil Smith, who was a gunsmith himself, owned a pair of them and loved them (he really regretted having to sell them). My own impression is that they're picky about ammunition, kind of like Lugers. And where in the world would I GET ammunition?

    1. GreyDog says: https://www.sbrammunition.com/44-Auto-Mag-44-AMP_c_42.html Range fodder is $1.25 a shot and hollow points are nearly $2. That's a lot cheaper than I expected for such a niche round.


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