01 June 2024

Not For Me Thanks

Tomorrow, for some reason, there's a rash of 4-year olds graduating high school.

There is no, possible, way for them to 18 and to have known them for 14 years.

Because if that were true, then I'd be older too and...

Fuck, there's no Toy-R-Us... I guess I will have to grow up.


  1. I feel you, I was shocked to do the math and realize the kid next door to our first house is over 40 when I still remember him as a high school kid.

  2. When I moved into my current abode almost 23 years ago a couple who had aslo move in at the end of the cul-de-sac were pushing around their oldest kids in a stroller. For years I watched as they played basketball and soccer and football in the cul-de-sac. Now the basketball hoop is gone and there are a couple more cars around the place than there used to be. The oldest of those kids have finished college and have their own kids. The youngest kids are all in high school now. It won't be long before they're all graduated.

    There was no grey in my beard when I moved here. Now it is more grey than brown.


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