24 June 2024

Then Do It

Marv has caught the PPV bug from me.

We went an looked at a 2011 example today and the dealer was asking $10,300 and would come down to $10,000.

We started detailing all the little flaws and Marv offered $8,500.

They countered that they could fix those flaws and get $14k.

At this point I feigned a need to return home and since I was Marv's ride, he needed to come with.

I had two things to offer.  First was a different 9C3 for what he offered that just needs a back seat.

Second was, it would cost us a lot more than $4,000 to fix all the flaws;  Tell them you'll take it at $14k if they fix everything we find wrong.  I'll bet they balk.

He's still on the hunt.

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