05 June 2024

Hypocrite Me?

I am absolutely giddy that Hunter Biden is on trial over gun charges.

The press would have it that I am a hypocrite for being happy about it.

They're missing the nuances, like they often do.

We gun owners aren't happy because he's being charged with bullshit unconstitutional laws.

We're happy because people like him are never charged with the bullshit.

We'd be fucking THRILLED if his trial resulted in those laws being found unconstitutional and the charges tossed.

Hunter being charged is a failure of the 2-tier justice system that's been, increasingly, on display for Democrat politicians and their families for a long time.

And it makes us happy to see Justice's blindfold put back where it belongs.


  1. Have to say I agree... Stupid law, but you or I would have been in prison for a LONG time if we did this and were so publicly caught... Wonder how quickly it changes to "no longer a felony" now that it got to this level... Eh, I'll be shocked if anything actually comes of it, they have had the evidence of SO many crimes committed by this individual for so long and nothing...

  2. It puts the gun control idiots between a rock and a hard place... convict him, and possibly ruin his dad's run to stay in the White House and what that means to their cause. Let him off and jeopardize that part of the law regarding 4473 forms and possibly more of GCA 1968.

    And it has definitely opened a lot of people's eyes to the 2-tier justice system McThag talks about. Possibly including a lot of people on the right who have supported that in the past when it worked in their favor.

  3. "Two-tier justice system?" More like "if you're a high-ranking Democrat or related closely to one, you have what amounts to a double-ought licence to kill." Teddy Kennedy is a shining example. If you or I had done what he did, we'd have been thrown in prison for at least several years. Another is Hillary Goddamn Clinton. She is KNOWN to have committed obstruction of justice, been cavalier enough with classified documents to get a peasant like us tossed into the Federal slammer, but she walked. Not to mention the Vincent Foster affair. I'd love to have that investigation reopened, with investigators who know what the fuck they're doing and have no ties to the Donkey Party or its politicians.

    Hunter Biden is a class-A fuckup whose mere existence should have sunk Grandpa Badtouch's campaign deeper than the USS Johnston, but thanks to the media running interference for him, the Deep State supporting him 100%, and (I admit) Trump's own ineptitude at politics, we're stuck with the senile old fool for a while at least. Personally, I miss $2.00 gasoline, full grocery shelves and no wars---mean tweets be DAMNED!

  4. The previous comment was mine.


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