11 June 2024

Mox Nix Conviction

Hunter got convicted of all three of the charges against him.

No shock, he was blatantly guilty.

Well, some shock; considering whom he is.

A lot of hay is being made about how much time these three felonies could bring.

Only a couple of places mentioning that the average sentence for this bundle is about a year.

Unless the judge decides to make an example out of him for whom he is, Hunter is probably going to spend less than six months behind bars.

Hardly worth the effort expended, to be honest.

Never mind that the laws he broke are, in my humble opinion, unconstitutional.  I shouldn't have to attest to my good character to exercise a right to own a gun and all the rest falls from trying to enforce this on the person filling out the 4473.

The real fun is his upcoming tax trial.  I have popcorn standing by.


  1. Of course, one of the big key evidence points was... The Laptop From Hell. And will be in his upcoming tax trial.

    You know, the laptop that the media and federal government said didn't exist at all, then said it was Russian disinformation.

    In a truly just and fair society, there'd be 51 'Security' people being walked to the gallows right now, with a huge firing, for publishing false information, of a whole bunch of media folk.

    Makes me wonder... Can people now use the acknowledged existence of said laptop and all it's information to sue all those intelligence weenies and media types? (Of course not, because we're not a just and fair government anymore.)

    This ties to the other Biden information dump, the Ashley Diary. Where someone found it after it was abandoned and is being hammered for trying to sell the information from it, and will end up spending time in the pokey for charges. But nobody's going to spend time in the pokey for covering up it's existence or for the crimes that were outlined in said diary.

    So... keeping score.... 'Conspiracy Theorists' - 2, Intelligence and Media People - 0

    1. It is often amusing to me when the government gets caught lying and the people that they and the mainstream press call "tinfoil hat" end up having been right all along. It actually happens surprisingly often.

      Another good example is the Snowden case. Like him or hate him, the leaks he dropped outed the NSA and other branches of having been doing things (illegal surveillance of domestic targets, blanket illegal data collection, etc) they'd been steadfastly denying for years, despite the hacker community having pretty substantial circumstancial evidence of their guilt.

      Bottom line is when they say things like the Hunter laptop not existing or being "russian disinformation" you certainly can't automatically believe if like those on the left do. In fact the more vehemently they deny it, it seems the more likely that they are lying.

      The government hasn't been fair or just for a long time. However, most of the damage to "democracy" has come when the man sitting in the Oval Office has been a Democrat. And the losses of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton probably saved us from things being even worse. Because the left really are the biggest threat to Democracy. They're rotting the Democratic party from within. And ruining the integrity of the US government.


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