04 June 2024


I have been party to a couple of disasters that had me begging to my friends to loan me money to bail me out.

Uh... Literally bailing me out once.

My credit rating is subpar.


The only loans I have in my name are the mortgage and a student loan.

Keeping those up to date doesn't really help your credit rating.

So I pay more for shit like insurance and have no, realistic, way to borrow from a bank to cover a disaster.

My house is not gigantic, but I can make the payment.

Though I love The Beast, she's not top of the line and shiny new.  I wrench.

Harvey's car is not new.  Moxie is not new.

But they're paid for.

You can fix a lot of car for the price of a car payment.  A single car payment.

You can buy a lot of gas for the price of a car that gets better mileage.

We have bad credit because we're not in debt.  You need to be in debt to get and keep a good credit rating.

Despite paying a lot more for my insurance, I still think I'm spending less than the interest on credit cards and car loans.

There's a bitter pride in that.


  1. It is not bitter, it is actually sweet freedom. I may be the odd duck, grew up in an era when you borrowed nothing aside from a bank for the house mortgage and then it was as little as feasible. My family did not have a car up until I was age 7, we walked, used a bicycle or took a school bus or where available, public transport. Taxi use was rare as hens teeth. In an emergency, borrowed Grandad's car (he was a master mechanic from 1906 and onwards) No shame in any that. For the most part have applied this to my life, including paying cash for cars (only wife gets "new", I always get used and wrench 'em). You are in good company old boy.

  2. McThag, just a reminder, don't forget to celebrate International Marvin Heemeyer Day!! Remember; until noon it's technically the feast of Saint Alamo/Ragnar, patron saint of lost, but still correct, causes. After noon it's Dozer Day with the local children, dressed in their quaint native BDUs, cavorting in the streets with internal combustion engines and high explosives. Oh, the humanity!


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