26 June 2024

Luxury Appointments

The accumulation of hard water deposits finally killed my shower head.

So I decided to try something different.

This is an experiment to see if I like the "rainfall" style.  This is a high pressure variation of the idea.

I've never had a butt washer wand before.

$30 from Amazon.


  1. For 30 bucks it is pure Chinesium. Warranty is probably 90 days or 90 washes, whichever comes first. That said, report on how it works ;-)

    1. It has survived 1 day and 1 wash. Now that I know I like it, when it dies I will get a nicer one at a better quality level.

  2. Hard water possible fix:
    Try soaking the shower head in a tub of vinegar for a day or two.
    Worst case, you're out the price of a quart of vinegar.
    Water hereabouts is hard as rocks, and vinegar is the go-to cure for that.

    1. The little rubber nozzle nubbins were also hard as rocks, so it was time to replace it.


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