25 June 2024

They Should Teach That In School

There's two subjects that need to be mandatory in K-12 schooling.

And not just teaching it, but they need to be passed before the student advances a grade or graduates.

The first is civics.  Civics isn't even difficult, but the reason it's not taught is so the politicians can lead voters by the nose and convince them that it's not the citizens who're supposed to be running the show and not the government.

The second is basic finance.

That will also mean teaching them old fashioned math again too.

If every student entering college already had a 200 level understanding of personal finance, the student loan process would not catch so many unawares.

Plus, we could definitely state that the student understood what they were signing by pointing to their passing grade in high-school.

I'm even of the opinion that K-12 students have to show strong competency in the Three-R's BEFORE we teach them anything else.

Another thing that'd be great to see taught is critical thinking.  But no government run entity wants their subjects knowing that!

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