14 July 2009

SEALs In Nigeria

I recreated the story from "Tears of the Sun" and put it in February 1968.

Tim and FuzzyGeff used their characters from my last trip up and we had a new addition, Justin. He'd never played GURPS before, but picked it up right quick. He is also a good fit with the small group we have.

Things were a little rocky Sunday night for our first session. Tim and I were rusty from lack of gaming and Justin is kinda new to it. Everyone but FuzzyGeff had barely played the 4th edition rules, and even he has not played it extensively.

I missed telling the players a couple of plot points and they missed me telling them some that mattered.

By last night though, I was doing much better and everyone was more into their characters.

All in all, I am happy with how things turned out.

There's even a chance we'll play again before I head home.

PS I also need to remember to call Eric.

PPS And charge my damn phone so I can.

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