THE distributor for comic books, Diamond, has declared bankruptcy.
That's a bummer because I have so many fond memories of comic books.
But I haven't actually bought a comic book for a very long time.
Just a graphic novel here and there.
I have, in my box, the start of several new titles. Maybe 10 or 12 issues that just... stop.
I see books on the shelf that look interesting and see that we're on issue 150 and realize that I need 149 back issues so I put it back.
I've been burned on buying based on the cover (and thanks to those baggies you can't look inside pre-purchase) and finding I didn't like the art inside or the story wasn't related to the cover.
It's the culmination of small things that led me to stop spending my hard earned on comic books.
It would appear that I am not the only person who'd gradually tapered off their purchases.
It makes me sad.
Especially with the gaming side of the comic shop being in upheaval as the companies who make the games seem determined to drive off over half of their customers by virtue signalling an ever more fractured side.
I really hope that both industries survive and recover, but they're going to have to do something they, presently, hate: Return to mass appeal.
It occurs to me, after seeing the combat wheelchair for a Pathfinder mini, that since GURPS has "no-legs" listed as a disadvantage it could not be written in the current political environment. How dare you abilists declare that having no legs is a disadvantage! Prepare the effigy of Steve Jackson for burning!