01 November 2005

Something I Need To Ponder...

I've been reading this guy for a while http://www.alphecca.com/

He's gay, pro-gun and mostly conservative in the same way I am. I took stock of my opinions about things and noticed something, except for like three other guys, everyone else who agrees with me 100% are gay. I had no idea I was so in touch with the modern homosexual male. I am also starting to suspect that these guys also represent the mainstream of homosexuality. Gee, the media is out of touch on something? NEVER.

I know that they don't consider themselves republicans because of the GOP bias against gays. Nor do they think of themselves as democrats because of their bias against guns and industry. And can't really call ourselves libertarians because we think that there should be a government at all.

All I want is machineguns, fast cars, low taxes, no racism at all (in either direction) and a pony. Is that too much to ask?

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